Side Pawn Picker, Joseki


Side Pawn Picker is one of major openings of double static rook game, in which sente’s (black’s) rook takes gote’s (white’s) pawn on 34 from 24 after making a pawn exchange on the 2nd file. The opening tend to open a war in the early phase of the game, and both player usually don’t have time to make strong castles. So, the games often end quickly.
This article explains basic moves of side pawn picker game, especially for Bishop-33 strategy.

1. ▲P-74
2. △P-34
3. ▲P-26
4. △P-84
5. ▲P-25
The side pawn picker opening is a strategy for gote(white), because gote has a right to induce it. In the beginning, both players open bishop line, then sente moves a pawn in 2nd file. After that, if gote also moves pawn in front of its rook, it is an offer that “shall we play side pawn picker?”. At 5 moves, sente has a chance to refuse it like ▲P-77, but if sente agree with the offer, then proceeds a pawn to 25.

6. △P-85
7. ▲G-78
8. △G-32
9. ▲P-24
10. △Px24
11. ▲Rx24
12. △P-86
13. ▲Px86
14. △Rx86
15. ▲Rx34
Both players proceed their pawns in rook’s file, and defend the file with gold. Then, sente exchanges the pawn in 2nd file. Gote should not drop a pawn to 23, because it will become a waste move. Gote can defend the 2nd file without droping it; if sente drops a pawn to 23, then △Bx88 is a counter attack. So, gote also exchanges the pawn in 8th file. Finally, sente captures the pawn besides the rook (▲Rx34).

16. △B-33
At move 15 (previous picture), there are several options for gote.
The worst choice is to capture a pawn at 76 by rook (△Rx76). Sente can capture bishop by ▲Bx22. Gote cannot take it. If gote moves like △Gx22, then ▲Rx3, and if △ moves like △Sx22, then ▲Rx32. Both gote has no chance to win already.
So, there are 3 major choices at move 16 as listed below. In this article, I would like to explain the Bishop-33 strategy.

Option 1 : △B-33, Bishop-33 strategy
Option 2 : △Bx82 ~ △B*45, Bishop*45 strategy
Option 3 : △Bx82 ~ △Rx76, Double Side Pawn Picker

17. ▲R-36
18. △S-22
19. ▲P*87
20. △R-85
21. ▲R-26
The Bichop-33 strategy is a calm choice. Both sides develop defense formation. Sente drops a pawn at 87, then return its rook to 2nd file, which is rook’s home position.

22. △K-31
23. ▲K-58
24. △S-62
25. ▲G-38
26. △G-51
27. ▲S-48
28. △P-74
29. ▲P-36
Making a castle is not easy, because bishop line are opening and 2 pawns are pieces in hand for both side. So severe battle can happen at any time. The most common castling for this situation is Central House like Sente’s formation in this game. The Central House is not such a strong castling, but it is well balanced. Other castling is the Nakahara Castle like gote’s castle in this game.
After making castles, players may deploy offense pieces like jumping knight or proceeding left silver.

The entire procedure of the Side Pawn Picker Bichop-33 Strategy can be checked below.




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