B1 Ranking League

Ranking Tournament

Final games of B1 ranking league were held on 9th March 2022. There are 13 people in the B1 league, and each person play 12 games in one year. Before the day, Fujii was in the first place, but victory was required to promote to A1 class, because Akira Inaba and Shota Chida were only one game behind him.
Fujii’s opponent was Yuki Sasaki. Sasaki is known as the person who stopped Fujii’s consecutive winning record in 2017. Fujii had piled up his wins to 29, which was the longest record in professional history. Lots of funs and mass medias expected to extend the record, however, Sasaki defeated him with no mercy, as if Sasaki taught severity of professional world. Since then, both of them kept winning in the ranking league. In 2019, they were in the C1 class, and both promoted to B2. In 2020, they made the promotion again to the B1 class. The highest class was almost there. Under that situation, they met in the last game of the B1 ranking league.
The game begun from Sasaki, and proceeded to Bishop exchange type of opening. It seems that Sasaki was succeeded to lead to his prepared situation, so he got advantage until middle of the game. Fujii was forced to spent his thinking time a lot. However, Fujii got a little chance to take back the control. Finally he won the game.
Below is the list of final games in the B1 class. Red highlights are the winners.

  • ▲Yuki Sasaki vs △Sota Fujii
  • ▲Seiya Kondo vs △Nobuyuki Yashiki
  • ▲Hiroyuki Miura vs △Ayumu Matsuo
  • ▲Akira Inaba vs △Masataka Goda
  • ▲Chida Shota vs △Kazuki Kimura
  • ▲Chikara Akutsu vs △Toshiaki Kubo

Also, below is the list of final score of all B1 class members. Two people from the top will promote to the A class, and three people from the bottom will fall down to lower class.

  1. Sota Fujii : 10 – 2, Promote to A Class
  2. Akira Inaba : 9 – 3, Promote to A Class
  3. Shota Chida : 9 – 3
  4. Nobuyuki Yashiki : 7 – 5
  5. Yuki Sasaki : 7 – 5
  6. Hiroyuki Miura : 6 – 6
  7. Masataka Goda : 6 – 6
  8. Hiroaki Yokoyama : 6 – 6
  9. Seiya Kondo : 5 – 7
  10. Toshiaki Kubo : 4 – 8
  11. Kazuki Kimura : 3 – 9, Demotion to B2 Class
  12. Ayumu Matsuo : 3 – 9, Demotion to B2 Class
  13. Chikara Akutsu : 3 – 9, Demotion to B2 Class


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