Bishop Exchange, Joseki

Bishop Exchange

Bishop exchange is a kind of opening where the bishops are exchanged in specific waiy in the early stage of a double static rook game. It is one of the most famous opening in the current professional games. In this article, I will explain a classical type of opening.

1. ▲P-76
2. △P-84
3. ▲P-26
4. △P-85
5. ▲B-77
6. △P-34
7. ▲S-88
8. △Bx77+
In the very beginning, both players proceed their pawn in front of the rooks, which is declaration of static rook. When the opponent (White side, second move) proceeds 8th file pawn, Sente (Black side, first move) defense it with bishop by ▲B-77, which is a difference from Yagura. Then opponent opens its bishop line, but you should not exchange bishops from your side in order to save your moves. Instead, you should prepare for opponent’s taking your bishop by ▲S-88.

9. ▲Sx77
10. △S-22
11. ▲G-78
12. △G-32
13. ▲S-38
14. △S-33
After exchanging bishops, both player make castles like Yagura. Because bishops are in their piece in hand, there are required to make castles carefully not to make unguarded area in their territories. If there is any place to drop bishop, it will be a fatal mistake.
The position here (at 14 moves, △S-33), it is crossroads for black side. Basically you have three choices for deploying attack formation as listed below.
Option 1. Reclining Silver
Option 2. Climbing Silver
Option 3. Rapid Advancing Silver

15. ▲P-46
16. △S-72
17. ▲S-47
18. △P-64
19. ▲K-68
20. △S-63
21. ▲G-58
22. △K-42
23. ▲K-79
24. △G-52
25. ▲S-56
This is called Reclining Silver, because the silver is sitting on the center pawn. The bishop exchanged relining silver is a very popular opening, and opponent often proceeds very similarly.

26. △K-31
27. ▲P-36
28. △S-54
29. ▲K-37
30. △P-14
31. ▲P-16
32. △P-94
33. ▲P-96
34. △P-44
Once the silver sits at 56, you should make a space to jump a knight by ▲P-36, then ▲K-37. Opponent may push its edge pawns, and it is better to push your pawn in the same file. If you don’t care, the opponent may proceed the pawn again by △P-15 or △P-95, which widens or shortens the castling space. It can be a critical point at the end of the game.

35. ▲P-25
36. △P-74
37. ▲P-64
38. △K-73
39. ▲P-45
Proceeding the 2nd file pawn is a preparation for attack. The opponent makes the attack line the same. You can move your king to 88 position. However, it may not increase safety, because the 8th file will become a battlefield. It is better not to close to dangerous area. Then you open the war by ▲P-45.

40. △Px45
41. ▲P-24
42. △Px24
43. ▲P-15
44. △Px15
45. ▲P-75
46. △Px75
47. ▲P-35
48. △S-45
49. ▲Rx24
50. △P*23
51. ▲R-29
52. △G-63
From the 39 moves, Sente sacrifices its pawn 5 times in a row. The order is 4th > 2nd > 1st > 7th > 3rd files. The purposes are as below.
4th file : To make a space to jump knight.
2nd file : To exchange pawn.
1st file : To expand battlefield.
7th file : To make a space for dropping a pawn at 74 later.
3rd file : To make it possible to drop a pawn at the line later.

Above is a typical idea of bishop exchanged double reclining silver game. You can check the entire moves below.


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