
4th File Rook

Bishop-exchanging 4th-file Rook, Joseki

A basic opening of the Bishop-exchanging 4th-file rook.
Central Rook

Central Rook, Joseki

This article introduces a basic opening for the Central Rook, which is a swinging rook strategy, where the rook is swung to the 5th file.
3rd File Rook

3rd-File Rook, Joseki

An introduction of a basic opening for 3rd File Rook especially for the Ishida-Style Joseki.
Double Wing Attack

Double Wing Attack, Joseki

An introduction of basic strategy for Double Wing Attack, Shogi Joseki.

Side Pawn Picker, Joseki

Side Pawn Picker is one of major openings of double static rook game, in which sente's (black's) rook takes gote's (whit...
Bishop Exchange

Bishop Exchange, Joseki

Bishop exchange is a kind of opening where the bishops are exchanged in specific waiy in the early stage of a double sta...

Yagura, Joseki

A basic opening of Double Yagura game with climbing silver attack.
4th File Rook

4th File Rook, Saginomiya Joseki

The Saginomiya Joseki is a rapid attack Joseki in static rook vs 4th-file rook. The opening strategy was invented by two...
4th File Rook

4th File Rook, Yamada Joseki

4th-file rook is my favorite opening strategy. It is often said that it is good for beginners, because the strategy can ...

Major Opening Strategies in Swinging Rook Games

There are two parties in Shogi players. One is static rook player, and the other is swinging rook player. In this articl...