Double Wing Attack Double Wing Attack, Joseki An introduction of basic strategy for Double Wing Attack, Shogi Joseki. 2023.04.10 Double Wing AttackJosekiStatic Rook
Joseki Side Pawn Picker, Joseki Side Pawn Picker is one of major openings of double static rook game, in which sente's (black's) rook takes gote's (whit... 2023.04.08 JosekiSide Pawn PickerStatic Rook
Bishop Exchange Bishop Exchange, Joseki Bishop exchange is a kind of opening where the bishops are exchanged in specific waiy in the early stage of a double sta... 2023.04.07 Bishop ExchangeJosekiStatic Rook
Joseki Yagura, Joseki A basic opening of Double Yagura game with climbing silver attack. 2023.04.05 JosekiStatic RookYagura