Central Rook, Joseki

Central Rook

This article introduces a basic opening for the Central Rook, which is a swinging rook strategy, where the rook is swung to 5th file. Central rook was a defensive strategy aiming counterattacks, but a professional player Masakazu Kondo established innovative opening strategy called Gokigen Central Rook. “Gokigen” means happy or feeling good in Japanese. The strategy was named after Kondo’s character, who is gentle and calm person. He won 10 games in row from the debut game of his professional career with the Gokigen Central Rook in 1996. Since then, the Gokigen Central Rook has been played in so many professional games, and it is still a main stream of swinging rook strategy.

1. ▲P-56
2. △P-34
3. ▲R-58
The first move is very impressive that ▲P-56. Usually, it is better not to disclose one’s opening strategy immediately, but ▲P-56 is clearly showing the will of Gokigen Central Rook.
Moving pawn first (not rook) is a small tips of this strategy, because if white advances the pawn in 8th file rapidly, black needs to open bishop’s diagonal line and protect 86 position with bishop instead of advancing the pawn in 5th file like: ▲R-58, △P-84, ▲P-76, △P-85, ▲B-77, △P-34. In this case, white can exchange bishops anytime, so black’s deployment of offense pieces will be restricted to some extent. It is not means disadvantage for black immediately, but it is better to avoid this situation.

4. △P-84
5. ▲P-76
6. △P-85
7. ▲P-55
At move 6, white advances its pawn in the 8th file, but black doesn’t need to protect the file. If white exchanges pawns, then there is a counterattack from black: (After move 7) △P-86, ▲Px86, △Rx86, ▲P-54, △Px54, ▲Bx22, △Sx22, ▲B*77, △R-82, ▲Rx54. Because the last move is check, white need to put something in between rook and king, but then black can capture the silver at 22.

8. △S-62
9. ▲B-77
10. △K-42
11. ▲S-68
12. △K-32
13. ▲K-48
14. △P-64
15. ▲K-38
16. △S-63
17. ▲K-28
18. △S-42
19. ▲S-38
The black’s pawn at 55 stops white’s bishop diagonal line. Black can push it at anytime, and it is a trigger to energize bishop and rook. Black keeps the initiative until the time comes, and proceeds its making mino castle. The mino castle is a basic castle for any swinging rook strategy.

20. △P-14
21. ▲P-16
22. △G-52
23. ▲S-57
24. △P-74
25. ▲S-56
If white advances the 1st file pawn, it is better to advance your 1st file pawn as well, which secures king’s escape rout. Then black advances left silver to central area. The ▲S-56 is very flexible position. After that black has several options like ▲S-45 or advances the 6th file pawn, etc. If you like slow game, then ▲R-50~▲P-46~▲G-58~▲G-47 is an option to strengthen castle.




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