How To Analyze Your Game Score (2)


In the previous article, I introduced the “Piyo Shogi”, a free app to analyze your game score. I would like to introduce another method of how to analyze your game score. Currently, Shogi Wars app is the most popular shogi platform in Japan. There are more than 4.6 million users in the app. It is not just a playing platform, but you can check your old score and statistical data of your games. Also, analysis function is available, if you have tickets. Tickets are randomly distributed after you finish games, or you can purchase. Analysis for a position with 5 recommended moves are available with 1 ticket consumption, and whole game analysis requires 2 tickets. If you use 4tickets, precise analysis for whole game is available. Three game are available for free. The picture below is a sample of whole game analysis (Graph) from my game. You can easily find what moves were good/bad. If you want recommendation from AI, you need to consume another ticket.

The Shogi Wars gives many visual effects which make you enjoy playing shogi, and pretty easy to analyze. However, it requires many tickets and it is expensive. So, I would like to recommend to combine the Shogi Wars and Piyo Shogi. Once you finish a game in Shogi Wars, you can search your game in Piyo Shogi without copying game score. There is a Wars Record tab in Piyo Shogi home screen. You should search your user name in Shogi Wars, and click ”ぴよ将棋”, so that your game score automatically loaded. Then open menu to start analysis. You can analyze all of your game score in Shogi Wars without consuming tickets.

At the end of this article, I would like to share a comparison between the analysis in Shogi Wars and the Piyo Shogi. I just wonder how it is different. The chart below is the comparison of the evaluation curves from my game. The level of analysis in Piyo Shogi was 40 (maximum level). It is just a single game result, so I think it is not enough to say a conclusion, but at least, both shows very close answer. Shogi Wars gives you a answer much quicker than the Piyo Shogi, but I prefer to use Piyo Shogi, because you can check recommended move for all the positions.


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