How to check your statistics in 81Dojo


I would like to share how to check your statistics in 81Dojo. There is my page where you can change your preference such as profile image. There also are statistical data of your past games.
The picture is my statistics. I often choose 4th-file rook, so the 81Dojo automatically classifies me as 4th-file rook player. There are a lot of other classifications, and you can check opponent’s player style while playing, which is quite useful to decide opening strategy. If you see my rating history, it is interesting that the score varies from 1,580 to 1,820 (Δ240). I was in 3Dan rating a month ago, but I lose quite a lot of games in row. Then my rating fall down below 1,600. The rating score of 1,600 is a cut off line for 1Dan and 2Dan in 81Dojo, so I disappointed myself. After a long time later, I suddenly recovered my sense of winning, and came back to 3Dan at a gulp. Actually, I did nothing to recover my rating, but just playing games. Real skill is definitely important, but when you have good mood, you will win any game, and vice versa.
I would like to share my rating position time to time. So far, my goal is 4Dan. When it comes true, I would like to apply certification letter to Japan Shogi Association (though it is expensive…).


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