Major Opening Strategies in Static Rook Games


I would like to classify the major opening strategies for systematic understanding the typical Shogi patterns. In this article, you can look over the common openings of static rook games. Each opening has very unique feature, so I hope you can find your favorite. I would like to summarize major openings of swinging rook games later.

Major Openings in Static Rook Games
  • Static rook vs Static rook
    • Yagura
    • Double wing attack
    • Side pawn picker
    • Bishop exchange

Static Rook vs Static Rook


Yagura is one of a castling that is named after the shape. Yagura means watchtower or turret in Japanese. The castling is made with a silver(77) and two golds(78, 67), whose formation resemble a tower. Both black and white usually make the yagura castle in this type of opening. Lots of professional players like this opening, because the yagura game easy to use all the peaces effectively

Double WingAttack

Black proceeds the 2nd file pawn, and white do the same in 8th file. This opening is called as double wing attack. There are lots of branches of standard move sequences. Its complicated Joseki is difficult for amateur players, so they often avoid this form. However, professionals likes the opening. Especially, recent AI boom support to evaluate the complicated scene.

Side Pawn Picker

In this type of opening, both player proceed their pawn in Rook’s file, and open their bishop line. After black exchange pawn at 24, black capture the white’s pawn at 34, which is the origin of naming ”side pawn picker”. The game used to be a short one, because both rooks and bishops are exposed, and kings are not well castled.

Bishop Exchange

Bishops are exchanged in the very beginning of the game. Bishop is a powerful piece in shogi. Both player possess such a strong piece in hand, and they can drop it whenever they want, which make severe restriction to their castling. Any tiny loophole can be a fatal mistake, in this type of opening.


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