Ranking League Class A, Play off game, Fujii vs Hirose

Ranking Tournament
【読売新聞】 将棋の藤井聡太竜王(20)(王位、叡王、王将、棋聖)は8日、東京・千駄ヶ谷の将棋会館で行われた順位戦A級プレーオフの対局で広瀬章人八段(36)に125手で勝ち、渡辺明名人(38)(棋王)への挑戦を決めた。 名人戦七番勝

Sota Fujii, entitled 5 crowns of major tournaments this year, won the play off match in ranking league against Akihito Hirose, on 8th March. Fujii acquired the right to challenge to the current Master Akira Watanabe. The Master title match will start from 5th April 2023.
The ranking league is segregated into 5 classes: Class A, B1, B2, C1, C2. Fujii and Hirose were belonged in the highest class of A. Both players ended the league score as 7-2, so the play off game was held to decide the challenger to the Master. All the game scores were as the table below. The worst two players, Tetsuro Itotani and Yasumitsu Sato, will be demoted to lower rank of class B. Yasumitsu Sato, who is 53 years old, was enrolled to class A for total 26 times. His unique style of offense often attract many amateur players, so it was regrettable moment to see his demotion. Hope he will come back to class A, together with his rival of Yoshiharu Habu.

1Shintaro Saito54
Demotion2Tetsuro Itotani18
3Amahiko Sato36
4Masayuki Toyoshima63
5Akihito Hirose72
6Takuya Nagase63
Demotion7Yasumitsu Sato18
8Tatsuya Sugai54
Winner9Sota Fujii72
10Akira Inaba45


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