The 2nd round of 72nd term Osho 7th battle had been held on 21st and 22nd in January, at Sansuikan Hotel in Takatsuki City, Osaka. The new super star Sota Fujii (20 years old) is being challenged by the old super star Yoshiharu Habu (52 years old). Although Habu is the legendary player as he obtained most titles ever, he lose his last title Ryuo in 2018 and since then he was away from any chance of title matches. On the other hand, Fujii is establishing remarkable result year by year. Most of the people expected Fujii’s overwhelming victory, and actually he won the 1st round.
The 2nd round game proceeded to the “Double wing attack” battle, and highlight for Day1 was at move 59 that Habu dropped his Gold at 8b. Before the move, they exchanged Rooks in the left side of the board, and everyone focused on the side. So, the Habu’s choice surprised the audience. After long consideration, Fujii moved his King to 4b to take a balance. It was considered a natural choice, but it seems that the move was not good according to the AI. Habu decided his next move as closing move for the Day1. He wrote the move in the 2 papers (one for back up), and enclosed them to envelopes. The envelops was kept separately until the begging of Day2.
In the next morning, the closing move was disclosed and it was Rook-2a, which meant Habu’s intention to continue the attack. After this, Habu promoted the Rook to Dragon, and Fujii drew his horse to defend. Fujii was forced to defend for a while and waited a chance. Fujii spent 1.5 hours for a single move, which was the longest consideration in the game, and dropped his Silver at 7g. It was long-awaited attack from Fujii. Three strong peaces of A Rook, a Horse, and a Bishop were approaching to surround Habu’s King, and Habu was not allowed to take any tiny mistakes. From the move 82, Fujii made a fierce attack, and he checked Habu’s King 10 consecutive moves, but Habu narrowly dodge all of them. Then Fujii resigned.
Although Habu commented that he was scared in the end of the game, everyone admitted that it was Habu’s sweeping victory. The 3rd round will be held on 28th and 29th in January.