I would like to share my game result in the WSL2022. The game was played in December, and the oppenent was much stronger then me. The opponent’s rating score was 1,997 and mine was 1,775, at the time. So, I was not motibated to win, but just to play a good game. However, I could proceed the game facorably, at least in the beggining and the middle. To my regret, I lose the game in the end, but I would like to palyback it to improve for the next time.
The type of opening strategy was opponent’s static rook vs my bishop exchanged 4th file rook. I prefer the opening because it is frexible and not so common, which means opponent maybe doesn’t know the joseki.
Below is the possion at 21 moves. After exchanging bishop, I built Mino castle. The opponent was suspending its castling. The king can move to right hand side or left hand side. The opponent chose to make the castle left hand side, and commence the battle remaining its king at ▲K-68. It seems that the king’s possion was not good, so I was able to take the advantage.
The possion below the 66 moves, where I withdraw as △S-65 aiming to capture ▲R-48 with my bishop and ▲S-44 with my rook. However, it was not such a nice move, and I gradually lose my advantage. Until here, I was playng good game, but eventually I lose the game. At move 66, I should have simply dropped pawn at 47(△P-47), so that I could capture the ▲S-44.
