I would like to share a full game score of the Souta Fujii vs Yoshiharu Habu, played in 2020 during the Osho League, sponsored by Sport Nippon Newspapers and Mainichi Newspapers. I am happy to share the full game score since an official permission to use it in this web page was obtained.
Needless to say, the two are the best players ever. Lots of funs concentrated on the game at the time. They are playing the Osho title match games in 2022, and 5th round game played on 25th Feb. The opening strategy was Side Pawn Picker, which is the same tactics that I introduce you today.
The Side Pawn Picker is one of a favorite opening for Habu, especially when he plays as white (second move). He often chose the strategy recently and it was a driving force to bring him to come back to the top player.

Habu(White, second move) proceeded to this favorite opening of Side Pawn Picker, and Fujii(Black, first move) accepted it. There are several variation for the opening, and Fujii chose the Aono-Style which is very aggressive tactics. Aono-Style is characterized by a rapid utilization of ▲Knight -3g aiming to control central area. Fujii proceeded the beginning of the game with his advantage.

Here, Habu dropped his pawn to 4h(△P*4h). This kind of sacrificing dropping pawn is known as a throwing knife technique, aiming to destruct opponent’s formation. If Fujii(Black) capture the pawn with his King, Habu will capture the pawn in front of Fujii’s knight(△Px3g), and it enables Habu to lure Fujii’s King very close to his offense pieces.
Thus, Fujii captured the dropped pawn with Gold(▲Gx4h). Then proceeded as △Rx8f, ▲L*2i, △R-8i+, ▲Lx2c+, △Px2c, ▲N-4e, △N*8f. Habu succeeded to promote his Rook at the bottom line in the Fujii’s territory. On the other hand, Fujii cannot develop enough offense line. Habu’s dropping Knight at 8f was much faster.

In the end of the game, Habu pushed his Dragon to 5i(△+R-5i). The dragon is not supported by any friend pieces, but Fujii cannot capture it. If he take it, he will be checkmated by ▲Kx5i, △G*6h, ▲K-4i, △R*5i. So Fujii required to escape his King, but Habu did not missed his good chance. Then the game finished as Habu’s victory.
The △+R-5i was such a beautiful decisive factor to Habu’s win. It is like a Tsumi problem. I would like to share this kind of good games more, if I can get permissions.