Sota Fujii

Oza Tournament

Sota Fujii, the reigning Meijin, becomes the challenger for the Oza title, aiming for his eighth crown, with a victory over 9th dan player Masayuki Toyoshima.

Sota Fujii, the 21-year-old reigning Meijin and Ryuo, is on the verge of monopolizing all eight titles in the shogi worl...
Ranking Tournament

Ranking League Class A, Play off game, Fujii vs Hirose

Sota Fujii, entitled 5 crowns of major tournaments this year, won the play off match in ranking league against Akihito H...
Osho Tournament

Fujii vs Habu (2020/09/22, 70th Osho League)

I would like to share a full game score of the Souta Fujii vs Yoshiharu Habu, played in 2020 during the Osho League, spo...
Osho Tournament

48th period Kio Battle commenced

The challenger Sota Fujii (20) won against Akira Watanabe (38), the current Kio title holder, in the first round of the ...
Osho Tournament

Fujii won the 3rd round Osho battle and put a period to the Gangi opening.

Sota Fujii, the current Osho title holder, won the 3rd round of the Osho battle. The score became 2-1 for Fujii. As desc...
Osho Tournament

Day1 finished, Osho battle, Round 3

The 3rd round of Osho battle commenced on 28th-Jan. Sota Fujii, the current Osho title holder, is the first move (first ...
Osho Tournament

The eve of Round 3, The 72nd term Osho 7th battle

The 3rd round of the Osho battle will be held on 28th and 29th in January. The current title holder Sota Fujii is accept...
Osho Tournament

Young Superstar vs Old Legend, The 72nd term Osho 7th battle, Round 2

The 2nd round of 72nd term Osho 7th battle had been held on 21st and 22nd in January, at Sansuikan Hotel in Takatsuki Ci...
Ranking Tournament

B1 Ranking League

Final games of B1 ranking league were held on 9th March 2022. There are 13 people in the B1 league, and each person play...

Genealogy of genius

Only six years has past since Sota Fujii debut, but he and Akira Watanabe have already played 14 games, which is abnorma...