Ryuo Tournament The 36th Ryuo Tournament, as of 2023.04.17 Takuya Nagase vs. Yoshiharu Hanyu was held on April 12, and Habu won the game. It was a semifinal stage of the 36th Ryuo... 2023.04.17 Ryuo TournamentShogi News
Osho Tournament Fujii vs Habu (2020/09/22, 70th Osho League) I would like to share a full game score of the Souta Fujii vs Yoshiharu Habu, played in 2020 during the Osho League, spo... 2023.03.06 Osho Tournament
Osho Tournament Fujii won the 3rd round Osho battle and put a period to the Gangi opening. Sota Fujii, the current Osho title holder, won the 3rd round of the Osho battle. The score became 2-1 for Fujii. As desc... 2023.02.04 Osho TournamentShogi News
Osho Tournament Day1 finished, Osho battle, Round 3 The 3rd round of Osho battle commenced on 28th-Jan. Sota Fujii, the current Osho title holder, is the first move (first ... 2023.01.28 Osho TournamentShogi News
Osho Tournament The eve of Round 3, The 72nd term Osho 7th battle The 3rd round of the Osho battle will be held on 28th and 29th in January. The current title holder Sota Fujii is accept... 2023.01.27 Osho TournamentShogi News
Osho Tournament Young Superstar vs Old Legend, The 72nd term Osho 7th battle, Round 2 The 2nd round of 72nd term Osho 7th battle had been held on 21st and 22nd in January, at Sansuikan Hotel in Takatsuki Ci... 2023.01.25 Osho TournamentShogi News