Takumi Ito one win away from his first title challenge (Challenger Decision Best-of-Three Match, Game 1: Takuya Nakase vs. Takumi Ito)

Ryuo Tournament
【読売新聞】【永瀬王座-伊藤六段】の動く棋譜中継はこちら  本局は後手番になった永瀬王座の注文で、先手番の伊藤六段に角換わり腰掛け銀の定跡形を強要しました。石井健太郎六段の総括です。  一手損角換わりの出だしから通常の腰掛け銀にうま

The game was induced to bishop exchange opening by Nagase. It seemed like Nagase had control in the early stages with skillful maneuvering, leading Ito to a standard reclining silver position from a minor disadvantage in the bishop exchange opening.
The main game demonstrated Ito’s accurate moves. Building an advantage with ▲Bishop-63, he gradually expanded his lead. Ito modestly stated, ‘I felt like I couldn’t even find a move back to my side in the endgame.’ However, his flexible and skillful moves proved successful. He won the first game and is now just one win away from his first title challenge.”


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